trouble with overwhelm and progress in your business?

(From November Newsletter)

You know what rocks?

How well this emoji 🤯 describes the overwhelm feeling.

You know what doesn't rock?

Feeling overwhelmed when you've got a business idea to kickoff and that self made solopreneur income feels more like a fantastical unicorn just rainbow pooped on your dreams.

Of course your head is spinning from all of the freebies, strategies and advice available to you as you go on google and social media.

Or you hear comments from others about what you really need to be doing or what worked for them or what they think your next step needs to be, even when said persons never had their own service based business before!

And rainbow looks cool! I love rainbows!

☝🏼The constant input, voices, distractions, comparisons.

Which has you randomly throwing your energy, time or money toward tasks and tips you think you "should" be doing to grow your business.

But have you really asked yourself if things are working?

And do you wonder why it has to be such a guessing game?

The days turn into weeks and months but none of the following seem to be happening: booked schedules of soulmate clients, filled retreats, courses on evergreen, a growing audience of adoring fans.

I remember how I felt the exact moment I realized I wasn't really building a business.

It was a punch in the gut.

At the same time I was grateful for the wake up call.

What was actually happening?

I was searching for the final happy meal toy to complete the collection and the longer I searched the more I had no clue what I was looking for.

Experts were sharing pieces of the puzzle but without the "key" I didn't know which pieces I was looking for or how to assemble them when I got them.

What I’ve discovered over was inevitably clear:

You deserve the whole picture about business growth up front.

When you take a course, you get to see the syllabus.

When you open up a book, there is a table of contents.

I think it's only fair to let heart centered entrepreneurs see the whole truth first.

You are far too valuable to waste your time. We need you helping the clients who need you right now.



How to Set Yourself Up for Longterm Success in Business


Nothing is more powerful than a business created first from SOUL